Tuesday, December 1, 2009

November 27th Birthday Celebration

The Koreans really celebrate birthdays, complete with sparklers for the whole restraunt, candles, that funny hat, strobe lights, and music. It was pretty cool as you can see here.

The girl on the left is my friend from Ja-yang Middle school, she took me out shopping before meeting everyone for my birthday celebration. Also some of my foreign friends who are teachers. From left to right, that is Sarah, from New Zealand, she teaches at two local high schools, Joanna from Canada, she teaches at two local middle schools, and then Aaron from Ohio, he teaches at two local elementary schools.

Both Aaron and Joanna live in my apartment complex and we tend to hang out the most. Joanna has even gotten me to run, hike, and, and climb mountians in Wolmyeong park for exercise.

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