Sunday, December 6, 2009

Daedunsun Mountain - Hiking in the Snow

This was at about 2,000 feet, it was a little make-shift cafe, where we ate lunch, had some hot coffee and rice wine, and warmed ourselves up with the kettle and some Koreans.

This was from the very top, at least as far as we got...The ladder was pretty slick and both of us are a little scared of heights. Sorry for the pictures being out of order. The hike was 2,800 feet, it took a little over an hour in the snow and rocks, where these gusts of wind would just about knock you down. What an experience and the views were incredible.

Joanna, my friend from Canada, and I, both of us are quite tired after the hike up, some lunch, and then a slick trek down from the highest point, where I slipped and fell on my butt. We ended up taking the cable car back down the mountain from here since a lot of the snow had froze and it was quite treacherous climbing down.

The pictures really don't do it any justice and it was a little foggy.

You can see how steep the hike was at points with snow falling and slippery wet rocks. I had the strategy of getting ahead of Joanna so I could take breaks and wait for her, while enjoying the ever increasing gorgeous views up the mountian as I looked back.

The big rock on the left here that is perched up by the mountain is a historical rock that Budda went and spent like 30 days and nights of solitude on, pretty cool history to see.

This is the picture at the bottom before the grueling hike.

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