Friday, January 15, 2010

Ice Festival - More Winter Fun In Korea

Not only does it snow in Korea, there are also festivals with 500,000 people held in the mountains and me and my friends, Joanna and Hope, went on a tour with Adventure Korea this last weekend with 32 other foreign teachers living and teaching in the surrounding areas of Korea, where we did the following:

Ice Fishing
Bare Hand Fishing in Freezing Cold Water(with only shorts and a t-shirt)
Ice Hockey without Skates or Sticks
Tobogganing and Tubing
Mtn Sliding
Snow Hiking
Bonfire in the Snow
Ice Tunnels
Viewed Ice Sculptures
Dancing and Sledding on Ice
Go Karting on Ice
Four Wheeling on Ice
Log House in the Mtns

It had to be the best weekend I have spent in Korea thus far, the pictures will not do it any justice as to how much fun we all had. There are more pictures on my Facebook, as well as a video of us foreigners falling all over the place playing the ice hokey without skates or sticks, quite funny.

This was the hike back to the bus, the end of the journey, sorry for the pictures being backwards. You can start from the bottom of the post and move up. We had a beautiful view of the mountains on the hike, which is what we are pointing at here.

These were the log cabins we stayed in, pretty nice, heated floors, and slept Korean style, which is find a space on the heated floor with a mat, I kind of like the Korean style.

Ahh, the bonfire, great memories. Some of these pictures needed censoring, so only some were posted. This is my first bonfire in the snow!!

Great friends, great fun!!

This was our BBQ dinner we had in the mountains at the cabins, notice the pork being cooked right in front of us on a big round grill that sits in the middle of the table. You put the piece of cooked pork in a large piece of romaine lettuce, add some fresh garlic and fresh cut jalapeno, some spicy red sauce, and a few other vegetables, wrap it up like a small sandwich and throw it down. I forget the name, but very delicious. There was also some fish that was smoked in foil and of course rice, kimchi, and soup. Next to bim bim bap and kimchi soup this is one of my favorite Korean meals.

Playing Ice Hockey without skates or without sticks was quite a challenge for all. Many people fell and many people hit the ice hard, no serious injuries were incurred, however I ended up with a bruised elbow, a bruised hip, and I also reactivated my whiplash in my neck from a car accident I was in many years ago, causing soreness for a few days, but laughs and memories that will last a lifetime.

This is us in the sauna after the bare hand fishing in the freezing cold water with only shorts and a t-shirt. The idea was to get in the pool of water in only a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that they provide, mind you, we are already wearing like 4-5 layers, because it soo cold out there, and catch fish with your bare hands that you get to keep and cook. Notice Joanna is not in an orange shirt, she chickened out! Hope, me, and most of the other foreign teachers got changed and attempted to catch fish in the pool with our bare hands as the Koreans right before us did. This is a big deal here in Korea, they had TV channels and big cameras from news stations and everything. They interviewed a few of us before and after the experience. The problem was, the Koreans muddied the water, making it cloudy, as well as take all the fish. By the time we got in, there was no more fish, we looked like fools, freezing our poor feet and legs off and not getting any fish. I was the only one who caught one, just a small little guy and that was it. The water was sooo cold that it HURT!!

We have no idea here what were getting into, a couple of crazy girls!!

I am getting the heck out of this cold water here.

Look Mom, I caught one, I held on to him until I got to the top of the steps, the camera man got him on film and then he got away, he was too small to eat anyway.

I told you...IT HURT!!

This was the pool of clear water, before the Koreans muddied it, and look you can even see fish in this clear pool.

The ice tunnel was cool, it changed lights as you walked through it.

The ice sculptures were amazing, true pieces of artwork, and really blew me away in their detail.

We had to take a picture with the Soju guy.

Some random Korean kids...we were trying to take their sled, but they beat us to it before we could take it for a ride ourselves, its hard to run on the ice, you can only go soo fast.

This was one of the largest outdoor BBQ in the snow I have ever seen. This is a mass amount of Koreans cooking their fish they caught while ice fishing and other various meats they brought in tailgate fashion with Soju and all, it was a great scene.

This was my ice fishing hole...we were told most novice ice fishers don't catch any fish...must be the reason I didn't catch any. Now I can say that I have been ice fishing, My Pops would of been proud. Only one of the foreigners caught one and they cooked it and ate it at one of the tailgate BBQ sites. Of all the events, there was the most Koreans, old and young, at this event. I don't think we gave it enough patience and luck wasn't on our side that afternoon, but it fun none the less.

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