Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Seoul Concert - Gareth Emery

I went to Seoul this last weekend to see a techno-electronica-trance music concert. The show was an amazing display of lights, lasers, smoke, and mix of music that makes you just want to MOVE. One of the things that I like about techno or trance music is the pumping volume that allows your body to move in so many different ways wihout uniform and without a dance partner. You become one with the music, dancing most of the night and ending up drenched with sweat after the show.

I met up with two of my girlfriends in Hongdae, where we went out on Friday night and then my friend Eric from Gunsan joined us Saturday for the show. The place was called CLUB VOLUME in Itaewon and featured a DJ ranked in the top 10 of the world. I have seen Paul Oakenfold back in Washington DC, and he is currently ranked 23 in the world, but Gareth Emery was much better. Before the show I stumbled upon his facebook page and became a fan to learn more about him and listen to some of his mixes before the show. I also wrote on his wall, "I can't wait to see you in Seoul, you ROCK!" Afer the show I got to take a picture with him and when I told him thanks and that he rocked, he knew my name, he said "Thanks Tonya!" How cool is that, that he either recognized my face at the show and or remembered me from facebook. At any extent it made my night and was very cool to be recognized in a foreign country by someone I just happen to become a fan of through facebook and by someone who probably has millions of groupies. I unfortunately didn't take any pictures and they were making people put their cameras away left and right, but my friend Eric did get a few, including one with the DJ and Me.

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