Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dinner with the Mayor

The EPIK prgram set up a dinner with about 10 lucky foreign teachers and the Mayor of Gunsan. What an awesome opportunity to showcase myself for a possible University job in the Gunsan area, if the Mayor has any pull in that area. They fed us a huge meal complete with rice wine and a type of soju wine. We all had a lot of fun. He didn't speak any English, but had a very nice English Translator. Her and I quickly became good friends and she is now going to start teaching Me Korean once a week. Her, Me, and another foreign teacher named Jamie, from New Zealand all went out after the dinner and had more drinks and then Noraebong. I had a blast with my new friends. Here are some of the pictures of the dinner!!

Me and the Mayor, he took a liking to Me!

Doing the love shot, as the Korean's call it!

We had a wide variety of differnt raw fishes, cooked fishes, and cooked pork, with many side dishes of course.

You can see the bottles of rice wine and soju wine lined on the table.

This white fish dipped in the wasabi and soy sauce mix was the best!

Kimchi and many colorful side dishes!

The table setting was so pretty!

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