Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Favorite Korean Food

I have talked about both types of food before, but I thought they needed their own entry into the BLOG and I took pictures of two places that I like to eat at regularly here in the goon. The first is at the Lotte Mart food court where I get the Kimchi Jigae for about 6,000 Won or about $5 US dollars. The second is right down the street from my city school, just a small resto that serves one of the best Bim Bim Baps for 5,000 Won or about $4 US dollars. I got this one to go and ate it in my apartment just yesterday for lunch, which I do quite regularly. I have a feeling once I leave Korea, I will crave these foods and will either have to learn to make them myself or travel up to LA, where there are many Korean restos.

Bim Bim Bap, served as takeout from a local resto near my city school. Lots of veggies, lettuce, rice, sesame oil, a hot paste, and of course a fried egg. I mix all the side dishes in it as well, very delicious!!

Kimchi Jigae, served at Lotte Mart food court. It is a spicy soup that is served still boiling in the bowl also with rice, fresh kimchi, and a few side dishes, very delicious!!

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