Sunday, May 23, 2010

Jirisan - Round 2

The second round of Jirisan was definitely more grueling and had even better views than the first one. This time our friend Aaron came and we camped on the Friday night next to the sounds of the water falls and got up at the crack of dawn to hike just over 17 km. We hiked to the highest peak in Jirisan, which is the second highest mountain in Korea. It was the first day the trail was open for the season and there were thousands of Koreans hiking, including men and women older than my Mom, one picture below is taken with one who had just been to the top. It took about 10 and half hours to get to the peak, which was 6250 ft above sea level. It probably was the most difficult thing I have ever done physically, I almost literally didn't make it. About half way up we began to see snow, and were hiking in slush and mud the rest of way. Once I made it to the top, I was happy, but we still had a little over three hours back down the mountain, of which 40 minutes was in the dark. This time I had a flashlight, learning from my last Jirisan experience I came prepared. The entire hike had beautiful scenery, waterfalls, and breathtaking views and it was an experience that couldn't be matched. The pictures really don't do it any justice, but can be enjoyed by all.

This is right before the hike, we didn't know what we were getting into to.

This is ME at the TOP....6250 ft above sea level...I DID IT!!