Sunday, May 23, 2010

Green Tea Festival

The green tea festival was held the same weekend we went hiking in a beautiful valley in the middle of the mountains. They had tons of booths set up where you could sample several different types of teas and we even had a chance to make our own tea in the factory. I bought fresh green tea and they even had green tea liquor, which was pretty good. There are more pictures posted on Facebook.

It was a gorgeous day and I was quite sore from the hike, so I got a bottle of green tea macali(rice wine) and enjoyed the view. This first picture is of Me enjoying the weather and the view and my wine. I also took a picture of an old Korean lady who was using an umbrella to block the sun, the Korean's don't like the sun at all and even use these types of elements to block the sun...notice her hat, the other element.

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