Me and a few of my co-workers at the fiesta!! No classes today, what an easy day. I guess I am back to the grind of two classes tomorrow, this schedule kills me. The girl in the middle is the lady who picks me up every Thursday and Friday. The more we hang out, the better her English gets. She does all the accounting for Ja-yang Middle and use to study a lot of English in college. She really hasn't had much practice speaking it though, so she doesn't always understand me and sometimes has a hard time communicating to me, but I enjoy our morning and afternoon drives none the less. We also sometimes have coffee at lunch and she is taking me out for my birthday for dinner and shopping since my hiking trip got postponed. Another real nice lady the Lord has blessed me with, ironically her name is also Suengha, spelled a little different than my friend from church though.
He is flipping here, didn't catch it in time, sorry, I'm not a photographer!
Today there was a huge talent show/gala/fiesta, or whatever you want to call it. It was all day, complete with a DJ and MC and all. These kids are pretty talented, we had singers, dancers, musicians, hop-ki-do(they broke boards, pretty cool), jump ropers, and comedians. Here are some pictures and I also took video of some boards being broken. In the picture above, those are bubbles being blown by two bubble machines, I thought it looked fantasia-like with the girl dressed up playing the flute.
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