Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My best friend came to visit me in Korea!

Amy has been my best friend since college, which is going on 17 years now and the only person to come visit me in Korea..thank you Amy, I LOVE YOU!!


We went and ate Galbi, Amy's favorite Korean dish..she thougt it was good compared to what she had in the states, definitely cheaper.

This is Sangmaguem wall, the largest dike or sea wall in the world, which is really close to where I live..

We ate fresh seafood after picking it out at the seafood market, even a huge lobster.

We also went to the local park, which was lit up, Eunpa park!

We went to church...she met the pastor, my friend Sungwha, and other cool people from the church. They still treat me like a celebrity when I do come in, even if it isn't every Sunday.